Updated terms of use

Roland Rabben
Published in
1 min readJul 1, 2019


We have updated our Terms of use to make the conditions for use and abuse of the service simpler to understand.

We recommend that you read the complete terms. For your convenience, here is a summary of the main changes that we have made.

In chapter 4 we have further clarified the difference between individual accounts and family accounts.

In chapter 8 we specify that we will terminate or downgrade user accounts after a subscription ends.

In chapter 15 we have added further specifications regarding non-commercial use. To prevent misuse we have added a paragraph about reduced upload speed if the storage exceeds 5 TB on a Personal subscription. This means that the Personal subscription still offers unlimited storage space, but upload-speeds will be slower after exceeding 5 TB of stored data. We have further clarified that storing and/or sharing illegal or copyrighted material will result in account termination.

For existing users, the new terms will take effect on August 1st, 2019.

💜 Jottacloud

